Effortless Summer Fruit Salad

A crowd pleaser and super simple to make, you'll love this recipe. Easily thrown together as you work in layers, leave out in room temperature for ten or fifteen minutes before serving and the natural juices will meld into a cocktail that will leave your guest asking "Hey, what did you put in the fruit salad?!".


1 pint blueberries 
2 to 3 medium bananas 
1/2 pint rasberries 
1/2 pint blackberries 
1 Apple 
2 Oranges (+orange zest from one orange)


Just work in layers: toss in the blueberries, cut bananas (retaining them as closed halves), and then cut and segment two oranges. 

Squeezing the juice out of the core, and out of the cut peels over the bananas will help avoid oxidation. 

Mix in the orange zest, and add all other fruit, ending with the blackberries and raspberries. Gently mix. We like to let everything sit for 30-60 minutes in the fridge to let the natural juices of the fruit combine. Serve as a side to a BBQ, a light dessert or as next weekend's Brunch. Share the love with your family and friends.

Want to add a special over the top element to your fruit salad? Add herbs! Herbaceous basil torn in large pieces, a few leaves of garden mint, finely chopped or some thyme off the stem, are neither sweet or savory, and make for a refreshing compliment to Summer fruit. All three herbs are easily found - maybe even on your windowsill, and they'd all make wonderful add-ins to this. Just don't add them all at once.